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Health, Healing & Hope Starts Here
Start your wellness journey today
Health, Healing & Hope Starts Here - Start your wellness journey today -
Counseling & Psychiatry
HVCC Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinic offers multiple services for adults, children and the community as a whole. The Clinic staff are qualified behavioral health and psychiatric professionals representing an eclectic balance of therapeutic approaches and expertise.
The Transportation Department at HVCC promotes independence through transportation for seniors or disabled individuals. We pride ourselves in getting you to your appointment on time and creating reliable, dependable transportation.
Case Management
HVCC’s Case Management provides individuals with support for issues that directly affect their ability to live a life of health, healing and hope. The entire Case Management Team is committed to offering effective, empathetic services that provide meaningful change.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry at HVCC is a regional pantry servicing Tolland County and beyond. We provide healthy supplemental food options to those in need. HVCC’s Pantry also offers workshops such as money management, nutrition and self-care.
Book your Free Needs Assessment today.
At HVCC, we’re here to help. That means whether you need assistance with your mental health, navigating state & federal programs, a ride to the store or getting food on your table - Our qualified and understanding staff are here to meet your needs. Our free needs assessment is just the beginning of your headache free journey to wellness. #hvcchelps
Questions about our services or just looking for a little more information? Reach out to us using the form below and one of our wellness partners will be in touch!