HVCC’S Parenting Education Program is designed to educate adults about the many issues children face when their family situation changes. You will be treated with respect, professionalism and sensitivity.
Our classes are designed to educate adults about the many issues children face when their family situation changes. The program trains participants about how to help children adjust in a healthy way to divorce or living apart from a parent. The program includes information about children's developmental stages, helping children adjust to parent separation, cooperative parenting, conflict management and dispute, resolution techniques, guidelines for visitation and parent access, and stress reduction for children.
If you have children under age eighteen, the court orders that you must participate in a parenting education program with-in sixty (60) days after a family case is filed in court. All parties involved in divorce, dissolution of a civil union, annulment, separation, custody or visitation cases are required by law to participate in a parenting education program. Both judges and family support magistrates have the authority to order your participation in the program.
The Parenting Education Program is a total of six hours. The Parenting Education Program at Hockanum Valley Community Council, Inc. is offered in 3, 2-hour classes which are held on Wednesday nights from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
Participation in a parenting education program costs $150 per person. You must pay the program provider directly. The fee is not paid to the court. If you cannot afford the fee, complete an Application for Waiver of Fees form (JD-FM-75) and file it with the clerk. If you are in court when you are ordered to attend a program, and you are unable to afford the fee, you may request that the fee be waived at that time.
• If your fee is waived, you must bring the court approved fee waiver to the program provider upon your first class.
(12/09/23) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(01/20/23) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(03/02/24) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(04/13/24) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour. Lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(06/01/24) One six-hour class) 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour. Lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(07/13/24) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour. Lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(08/24/24) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour. Lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(10/05/24) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour. Lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available
(11/30/24) One six-hour class 9:00AM-4:00PM (1 hour. Lunch) In Person
-English (Vernon Location) and Español (New Haven Location) Available

Book your parenting class today.
Classes are held in our comfortable, accessible, private office space where you will be treated with respect, professionalism and sensitivity.
Co-Parenting is not a competition, its a collaboration.
Resources to Read and Watch before Participating.
We request that participants prepare for the class by visiting www.uptoparents.org and viewing their introduction video below to become familiar with many of the topics that will be addressed throughout the program. A copy of the materials used in the parenting education program at Hockanum Valley Community Council, Inc. can be viewed online here and is highly encouraged to have on-hand while participating in the class.
Kids need and want some simple things, like courteous communication between their parents.
No matter how small the topic (birthdays, holidays, pickups, etc.), parent fights leave kids badly hurt.
Kids don't want one parent to win the fight; kids want one parent to stop the fight.
Kids almost never care about the things we parents are fighting about; they just want the fights to stop.
When parents fight, kids' real needs can become invisible.
Kids experience attacks between their parents as attacks on them.
Parent fights can force kids to try to resolve adult issues - and to blame themselves when they fail.
Our Goal for you.
It is our goal to make this an educational and interactive experience. We will spend our class time discussing a variety of topics which will provide you with tools to be better communicators with your children, as well as with your co-parent. While your personal relationship with your child’s other parent may be ending, it is important to understand that your role and responsibilities as co-parents will continue.
If you are in the midst of a divorce, you are likely losing most, if not all, of the following:
Your partner in building memories and dreams of growing old together.
Your ally in facing money woes, illness, and even school conferences.
Your companion to parties, weddings, family celebrations
Your confederate in lovingly outwitting your children.
Your helpmate who knew just how to unclog the sink, negotiate a car deal, or remember birthdays.
Your roommate in creating a family home.
Your forgiving audience to your feeble jokes.
Your date for Saturday night.
Your bedmate & your friend.
Questions about the program? Contact us here.
No. If you are afraid of any of the parties involved in your case, or afraid you may be in danger if you attend class with them, ask for separate classes when you register. Or you may register with a different program.
If you have been issued a Fee Wavier by the court, please select “Pay Later” when booking your class and present the wavier at the time of class.
Looking for additional assistance?
At HVCC, we’re here to help. That means whether you need assistance with your mental health, navigating state & federal programs, a ride to the store or getting food on your table - Our qualified and understanding staff are here to meet your needs. Our free needs assessment is just the beginning of your headache free journey to wellness. #hvcchelps