HVCC’S Parenting Education Program is designed to educate adults about the many issues children face when their family situation changes. You will be treated with respect, professionalism and sensitivity.


Thank you for signing-up. Please fill out this form prior to the class start date.

Classes are usually held in our comfortable, accessible, private office space but are now held from the comfort of your own home. Your appointment conformation contains the link for class.

Co-Parenting is not a competition, its a collaboration.

Resources to Read and Watch before Participating.

We request that participants prepare for the class by visiting www.uptoparents.org and viewing their introduction video below to become familiar with many of the topics that will be addressed throughout the program. A copy of the materials used in the parenting education program at Hockanum Valley Community Council, Inc. can be viewed online here and is highly encouraged to have on-hand while participating in the class.

Questions about the program? Contact us here.

  • No. If you are afraid of any of the parties involved in your case, or afraid you may be in danger if you attend class with them, ask for separate classes when you register. Or you may register with a different program.

  • Classes are currently held online only with hopes of returning to in-person within the 2022 Calander year.

  • If you have been issued a Fee Wavier by the court, please select “Pay Later” when booking your class and present the wavier at the time of class.

Looking for additional assistance?

At HVCC, we’re here to help. That means whether you need assistance with your mental health, navigating state & federal programs, a ride to the store or getting food on your table - Our qualified and understanding staff are here to meet your needs. Our free needs assessment is just the beginning of your headache free journey to wellness. #hvcchelps